Zakat Standards

  1. Zakat Standards

Standardising the Zakat sector 

NZF Worldwide has launched an ambitious project to develop contemporary, contextual and scholarly-based Zakat Principles Papers unifying Shariah knowledge and industry practice in a codified format. We have a working group of experts developing the Zakat Principles Papers in consultation with global bodies, Shariah scholars and industry practitioners.

Although these Papers are primarily designed for Muslim minority countries and in particular our member organisations, the guidance is applicable for any institution wanting to benefit from these Papers. We will be releasing the Papers gradually and they will be available here.

Download the latest Zakat standards here

Zakat governance and Ethics Standards

No 1: Embedding Ethics in organization

Produced by National Zakat Foundation WorldWide

Zakat Calculation Standards

No 1: Principles for Zakat obligation

Produced by National Zakat Foundation WorldWide

Zakat Accounting and Auditing Standards

No.1: Objectives and Principles of a Zakat Audit

Produced by National Zakat Foundation WorldWide