Empathy through Zakat

Empathy through Zakat

A cornerstone of Islam is empathy for the poor and the vulnerable. The Qur’an contains hundreds of verses in which God instructs believers to be merciful, kind, generous, gentle, and live by ideals that shun exploitation of all types which seek to take advantage of...
Seek Purification through your Zakat

Seek Purification through your Zakat

“Of their goods, take zakat, so that you might purify and sanctify them.”  (9:103, Qur’an) This is a wonderful verse from the Quran, as it gives a window into the more spiritual dimension of the third pillar of Islam. Zakat is often explored in a very technical...
An Example of Leadership in Islamic Philanthropy

An Example of Leadership in Islamic Philanthropy

“Be the leader you wish you had”. “True leaders don’t create followers; they create more leaders.” These quotes sound familiar, right? Most probably you have also been jumping from one leadership seminar to the other and reading dusty books and watching videos to...